Monday, June 30, 2014

A start....Create and Renew

People tell me that I should write and/or blog. I'm giving this a try. I've stepped away from Facebook a bit, but I do still like to share thoughts and happenings with family and friends. I have written and published some in the world of freelance in the past, but I just haven't devoted time to it since becoming a mom and then a homeschooling mom. We'll see how this goes and where it leads.

You might notice my blog name and wonder. It's one of my favorite scriptures and one I try to start every day out with: Psalm 51:10 - "Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me." Steadfast - that word grabs me. To be unwavering, resolute, firm. I want my life to be that - a clean heart, free from dirt and contamination, and an unwavering spirit with a mind on the will of God and a heart of Christ. None of these can I accomplish on my own but by faith and the Holy Spirit's guidance. It is something that needs renewing as I face each day, and something that needs examining as I close each day. I'm sure I have a score card where my enormous failures outweigh my itty-bitty successes, but I am going to keep trying!

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