Monday, June 30, 2014

A start....Create and Renew

People tell me that I should write and/or blog. I'm giving this a try. I've stepped away from Facebook a bit, but I do still like to share thoughts and happenings with family and friends. I have written and published some in the world of freelance in the past, but I just haven't devoted time to it since becoming a mom and then a homeschooling mom. We'll see how this goes and where it leads.

You might notice my blog name and wonder. It's one of my favorite scriptures and one I try to start every day out with: Psalm 51:10 - "Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me." Steadfast - that word grabs me. To be unwavering, resolute, firm. I want my life to be that - a clean heart, free from dirt and contamination, and an unwavering spirit with a mind on the will of God and a heart of Christ. None of these can I accomplish on my own but by faith and the Holy Spirit's guidance. It is something that needs renewing as I face each day, and something that needs examining as I close each day. I'm sure I have a score card where my enormous failures outweigh my itty-bitty successes, but I am going to keep trying!

A Walk with a View

Sometimes, life is sort of like walking in a beautiful pasture, admiring God’s beauty all around you, getting all wrapped up in the sunshine, the green grass, the sounds, the breezes, and the critters so amazing as they scurry or mosey or flit here and there. Then suddenly, you realize that you just stepped in a pile of poo. Your focus abruptly changes from peace and joy to discontent. Are your eyes on God anymore? Well, if you are a master at keeping your eyes on Jesus, then yes, you will realize that poo is a part of life. You will shake it off and move on. However, it takes a lot of piles of poo and a lot of practice to become so focused, to be able to brush off the discontent and revel in the joy despite the poo. Usually, the closer you are growing to Him, the more poo you find in your path. You cannot avoid the poo. Will you begin to let your walk center more on where the next pile of poo may be? How does that affect your walk? You can learn to watch your steps while you keep your eyes on Him, so that when you do step in the inevitable poo, the beauty of your walk is not spoiled. Maybe even consider kicking off your shoes and walking barefoot...I'm thinking that one over....may as well. The poo sticks whether you have on your best shoes or you walk in your bare feet! Just bathe yourself in Jesus' love and the poo doesn't matter anymore.